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Emily finds herself drawn to raw storytelling and authentic representation on the screen. Every story, like in life, is highly authored and composited in her directing process. After specialising in cinematography at university, Emily started her career as a creative producer and her understanding of shot composition, narrative and storytelling quickly saw her transition to become one of Chisel’s premium emerging directors.

Emily’s energetic, fun, emotional, and unique perspective, coupled with her own personal relationship with arts, culture, sports, and entertainment, has made her a top pick for agencies and brands looking to bring a fresh and exciting vision to their creative.  Her recent highlights include directing ASICS biggest global campaign of the year, filming across Australia and Japan, as well as directing the launch film for Football Australia’s women and non-binary initiative – ‘Our Game’.

Emily’s humble demeanour will dissipate on set to a clear vision, exact direction, and, more often than not, an infectious laugh post-take.

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